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Automobile Gear Processing Technology
Apr 24, 2020

Gear is the main basic transmission components in the automotive industry, usually there are 18 to 30 teeth in each car, the quality of the gear directly affects the noise, stability and service life of the car.

1. The most commonly used process of automobile gear machining and its characteristics

■ hobbing (gear shaping, forging) → shaving → heat treatment → (honing)

Features: high processing efficiency, low processing cost, suitable for car and small car gear processing.

■ roll (gear) → shaving → heat treatment

Features: high processing efficiency, low processing cost, suitable for general heavy - duty vehicle gear processing.

■ roll (gear) → heat treatment → grinding teeth

Features: high machining precision, low machining efficiency, low machining cost, suitable for high speed gear, large buses, high-grade heavy truck gear processing.

2. Factors that should be considered in gear machining

■ according to the processing object and requirements, to choose the right machine tool. Such as the specification of the suitable machine tool, numerical control axis number, performance, the machine tool should have high rigidity, good thermal stability, high reliability, etc.

Machining precision and efficiency of gear, but also with the tool materials, parameters, coating process, precision and rigidity, fixture positioning, precision and rigidity, gear billet materials, hardness, precision and rigidity, the reasonable selection of cutting parameters, and the selection of cutting fluid.

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